Главная / Маданият / Болалар учун инглизча шеърлар

Болалар учун инглизча шеърлар

Olya has a pencil,

Olya has a pen,

She draws with a pencil,

She writes with a pen.


Where’s my little hare?

Look! Under the chair.

Where’s my little fox?

Look! In the box.


The bear is white.

The bird is blue.

The dog is black.

The puppy is, too.


Mind the clock

And keep the rule:

Always come in time to school


Under the Sky

Here I lie

Under the sky

Green trees above me.

Nature and I.


The bear wants some honey.

The mouse dreams of cheese.

The man desires money.

The duck is  keen on peas.


Little girl, little girl,

Where have you been?

I’ve been to see grandmother

Over the green.

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?

Thank you, Grandam.


My little pup

Can jump up high

He can also

Chase his tail

He loves to fetch

The ball

I throwAnd he plays

With me all day.

Ҳаққимизда Sohib

Яна маълумот


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